
Predictive control of grinding facilities

Is your grind­ing pro­cess ef­fi­cient enough?
MILLPILOT gets the most out of it and raises the out­put

Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Process Control

Benefits at a glance
  • more energy efficiency
  • increase in production
  • improved product fineness
  • less wear
  • higher facility availability
  • reduced maintenance costs
Predictive control of grinding facilities

MILLPILOT con­trols closed grind­ing cir­cuits—ful­ly au­to­mat­ed. If re­quired, with­out op­er­a­tor. One sys­tem is able to op­er­ate up to four mills at the same time, thus in­creas­ing your fa­cil­i­ty’s avail­abil­i­ty by pre­vent­ing over­fill­ing and sim­i­lar fail­ures.

The con­sistent and op­ti­mal fill lev­el en­sures smooth and sta­ble op­er­a­tion, lead­ing to sig­nif­i­cant­ly less wear and a more ho­mog­e­neous pro­duct. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the out­put in­creas­es and the pow­er con­sump­tion drops.

MILLPILOT can be in­te­grat­ed into ev­ery au­to­ma­tion sys­tem—it is sim­ply plugged in via a stan­dard OPC in­ter­face. With your pre­vi­ous con­trol sys­tem on stand­by you can activate it at any time.

The new “auto adap­tive” mech­a­nism au­to­mat­i­cal­ly and in­de­pen­dent­ly de­ter­mines and ad­justs the ideal fill­ing lev­el to al­ways en­sure op­ti­mal mill op­er­a­tion.

The mod­u­lar con­cept al­lows you to choose the func­tions you need.
MILLPILOT of­fers mod­ules for the con­trol groups shown on the right.

If de­sired—thanks to our flex­i­ble sys­tem—ad­di­tion­al mod­ules can be de­vel­oped and eas­i­ly in­te­grat­ed at any time.

Benefit from MILLPILOT
  • unattended operation
  • auto adjustment
  • ready-to-use modules
  • fully automatic
  • up to 4 mills (per system)
  • fast commissioning
  • return of investment in less than 1 year
  • low investment costs
MILLPILOTs range of application
  • vertical mills
  • ball mills
  • roller press
  • separator / fineness
  • hot gas generator
  • water injection
  • ventilation

How grinding optimization improves
the carbon footprint

Learn more
metric tons of C02 saved per year / SMARTFILL and MILLPILOT Package

Any questions? Just give us a call
+49 2463 9967 0

Measured benefits
We guarantee to get the most out of your grinding equipment!

Get to know the advantages of using a modern control system.
Request your personal offer.